The Creative Paradox

Hey Reader!

When you’re younger, you have all this energy to tell stories and feel things strongly, you have this need to get heard…

But your experience doesn’t quite line up yet, you don’t have quite enough to say, and life’s twists and turns to back it up. You don’t want to sound phoney or hokey, after all.

And then… when you start to have mileage, lots of life experience to draw from and stories to tell… that passion to tell those stories starts to wane.

Yes now you have lots more to say, and the ability to sound authentic and all that good stuff… but the need to be heard… not so much there anymore. Meh. Who cares really, in the great scheme of things, right?

Well then. This is a conundrum, isn’t it.

Ditch the dream? Keep postponing it?

Nah. The right approach is, as far as I can see; two-fold:

  1. Write 100% for others’ benefit. The Pope of the Domain route, let's say. What do you want to create that will guide people through the maze you’ve chosen to inhabit? Make their lives better, now and in the future?
  2. Write 100% for yourself. The Tarantino route, of you will. Whatever strikes your fancy, follow that whimsy wherever it may lead you. Go deeper. Get curious. And document it all. In time, let other people in to eavesdrop on your findings.

By now, you probably leaned heavily towards either #1 or #2.

Go with THAT one.

As for me… I won’t tell which is mine, but I’d rather make it obvious as I begin to put some weight on it. You’ll see.

And I suggest you do the same. Everybody loves to see others get into their own, find their fast lane, formulate their brilliance, and have people follow them.

At least they should. Because that’s the only way forward for us as a whole, but that’s another topic for another day.

Go forth and CHOOSE. Then Go Hard.

It’s worth it.

I’ll see you at the top!


PS. If you need help increasing the actual results from your marketing (you know, like, c-ash), we just might have some capacity left within the upcoming two months. Sales letters, VSLs, email, social copy... it all needs to convert, right? Get in touch, have a chat, then we'll see if we can help you out.

PPS. There's a good reason why my Copywriting Mentorship comes up on first page (if not the first result outright) on Google if you type in Copywriting mentoring. It's been one of the best programs out there for a LONG time now. I think we're coming up on the 8 year mark now.

And also the most insane value for money, to be honest. Many others charge double or triple what I historically have. Which is why I definitely have to raise the prices soon, but for right now, I'll be grandfathering in any new students who qualify... at the old, supremely affordable price.

Copywriting Academy Helsinki

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